I think it's about time to practice typing in English.


I've just came back from the handsome doctor due to my skin problem.

Happily, he said it's just a common symptom of my skin, this could happened because of the enviroment, any resource.


After i got the creams, I rode my pinky bike home in the rain. Anyway, I do feeling better after put the cream on~ congrats to myself!!


Why I went to hospital during the class time?

Becuz when I went to my tutor and asking for help, thought if they knew what's that on my skin.

Then my tutors became panic, and said to me: This is emergency! go and see the doctor now!!!

So I booked a taxi and flew to the doctor.

Im really glad that my tutors took it as an emergency case, nor I might go and c the doctor after my problem infected into whole face..lol


While I went back home, I rush to a shower right away.

I was thinking, I quite like that kind of feeling....Being alone and doing things by myself in a strange enviroment.

It was a moment, you can feel everything. The birds, the strangers passed by you on the roads you dont know and the houses never seen before. It was so quiet, In my mind and on the roads. It was my tiny journey!


There was another news which is a bad news... :(

About the new house I said before has been called off. The landlord text me and said that he got only one single room now, cuz the other 2 rooms has been taken by his family. Such a TRAGIC news to us !!

So, I gotta find a new house now!!! GOSH!!! But I told the other 2 mates that I want to find the house by my own, cuz I am too busy lately! Also, I wanna live with foreigners for practicing my English speaking!


And, I tried to be more independent!


Maybe, it's time for essay again! I was a bit unhappy cuz I didnt have time to go to library for my essay data after saw the doctor!

Tmr I will go to london by coach again! for TOMOKI's 23 yrs birthday!!

Hope it will b a nice weather ~ Stop raining!!!








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